Research Interest
- Hematology
- Parasitology
- Malaria
- Flow cytometry
0 2218 1541
Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine)
Professional Experience
Associate Professor
- Viriyavejakul P, Tangwanicharoen T, Punpoowong B, Chaisri U, Nantakomol D, Maneerat Y, Pongponratn E, Wilairatana P, Riganti M. Cryptococcal meningitis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive and HIV-negative patients. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2004; 35 Suppl 2: 33-8.
- Nantakomol D, Chimma P, Day NP, Dondorp AM, Combes V, Krudsood S, Looareesuwan S, Pattanapanyasat K, Chotivanich K. Quantitation of cell-derived microparticles in plasma using flow rate calibration. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2007; 39: 146-153.
- Nantakomol D, Imwong M, Soontarawirat I, Kotjanya D, Khakhai C, Ohashi J, Nuchnoi P. The absolute counting of red cell-derived microparticles with red cell bead by flow rate based assay. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2009; 76(3):191-8.
- Nantakomol D, Nuchnoi P, Noulsri E, Lerdwana S, Krisin S, Chanprasert S, Pattanapanyasat K. Enumeration of the absolute CD4 T-lymphocyte count by cell-bead assay. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2010;78(4):260-6.
- Nantakomol D, Palasuwan A, Soogarun S. Atomic force microscope imaging of red cell vesiculation. Eur J Haematol. 2011; 86(3):276.
- Nantakomol D, Dondorp AM, Krudsood S, Udomsangpetch R, Pattanapanyasat K, Combes V, Grau GE, White NJ, Viriyavejakul P, Day NP, Chotivanich K. Circulating red cell-derived microparticles in human malaria. J Infect Dis. 2011; 203(5):700-6.
- Kraisin S, Naka I, Patarapotikul J, Nantakomol D, Nuchnoi P, Hananantachai H, Tsuchiya N, Ohashi J. Association of ADAMTS13 polymorphism with cerebral malaria. Malar J. 2011; 10: 366.
- Nantakomol D, Palasuwan A, Chaowanathikhom M, Soogarun S, Imwong M. Red cell and platelet-derived microparticles are increased in G6PD-deficient subjects. Eur J Haematol. 2012; 89(5):423-9.
- Nantakomol D, Paul R, Palasuwan A, Day NP, White NJ, Imwong M. Evaluation of the phenotypic test and genetic analysis in the detection of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Malar J. 2013; 12(1):289.
- Kraisin S, Palasuwan A, Popruk S, Nantakomol D. Reduced ADAMTS13 activity is associated with an ADAMTS13 SNP, fever and microparticles in a malaria-like model. Malar J. 2014; 13:3.
- Chanda M, Suksom D, Nantakomol D, Palasuwan A. Cell-derived microparticles after exercise in individuals with G6PD Viangchan. Clin Hemorheol Micro 2015, 16;60(2):241-51.
- Palasuwan A, Palasuwan D, Mahittikorn A, Chiabchalard R, Combes V, Popruk S. Subtype Distribution of Blastocystis in Communities along the Chao Phraya River, Thailand. Korean J Parasitol. 2016;54(4):455-60.
- Palasuwan D, Palasuwan A, Charoensappakit A, Noulsri E. A novel flow cytometry-based method of analyzing Heinz bodies. Int J Lab Hematol 2017; 39(1):68-75.
- Chaowanathikhom M, Nuchnoi P, Palasuwan D. Significance of 3’UTR and Pathogenic Haplotype in Glucose-6-Phosphate Deficiency. Lab Med 2017; 48(1):73-88.
- Kaewarsa P, Laiwattanapaisal W, Palasuwan A, Palasuwan D. A new paper-based analytical device for detection of Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Talanta. 2017 Mar 1;164: 534-539.
- Noulsri, E., Lerdwana, S., Kittisares, K., Palasuwan, A., Palasuwan, D. Flow rate calibration to determine cell-derived microparticles and homogeneity of blood components. Transfus Apher Sci. 2017. 56 (4): 585-590.
- Kittisares K, Palasuwan D, Noulsri E, Palasuwan A. Thalassemia trait and G6PD deficiency in Thai blood donors. Transfus Apher Sci. 2019. 58(2):201-206.
- Popruk N, Prasongwattana S, Mahittikorn A, Palasuwan A, Popruk S, Palasuwan D. Prevalence and Subtype Distribution of Blastocystis Infection in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Thailand. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Nov; 17(23): 8877.
- Noulsri E, Lerdwana S, Palasuwan D, Palasuwan A. Quantitation of phosphatidylserine-exposing platelets in platelet concentrate prepared in routine blood transfusion laboratory. Transfus Apher Sci. 2020 Feb; 59(1): 102598.
- Ketprasit N, Cheng IS, Deutsch F, Tran N, Imwong M, Combes V, Palasuwan D. The characterization of extracellular vesicles-derived microRNAs in Thai malaria patients. Malar J. 2020 Aug 10;19(1):285.
- Pfeffer DA, Ley B, Howes RE, Adu P, Alam MS, Bansil P, Boum Y 2nd, Brito M, Charoenkwan P, Clements A, Cui L, Deng Z, Egesie OJ, Espino FE, von Fricken ME, Hamid MMA, He Y, Henriques G, Khan WA, Khim N, Kim S, Lacerda M, Lon C, Mekuria AH, Menard D, Monteiro W, Nosten F, Oo NN, Pal S, Palasuwan D, Parikh S, Pitaloka Pasaribu A, Poespoprodjo JR, Price DJ, Roca-Feltrer A, Roh ME, Saunders DL, Spring MD, Sutanto I, Thriemer K, Weppelmann TA, von Seidlein L, Satyagraha AW, Bancone G, Domingo GJ, Price RN. Quantification of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity by spectrophotometry: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Med. 2020 May 14;17(5):e1003084.
- Kulkeaw K, Ketprasit N, Tungtrongchitr A, Palasuwan D. A simple monochromatic flow cytometric assay for assessment of intraerythrocytic development of Plasmodium falciparum. Malar J. 2020 Feb 18;19(1):74.
- Palasuwan D, Chalidabhongse TH, Chancharoen R, Palasuwan A, Kobchaisawat T, Phanomchoeng G. G6PD diaxBox: Digital image-based quantification of G6PD deficiency. Talanta. 2021 Oct 1;233:122538.
- Noulsri E, Lerdwana S, Palasuwan D, Palasuwan A. Cell-Derived Microparticles in Blood Products from Blood Donors Deficient in Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase. Lab Med. 2021 52(6): 528-535
- Noulsri E, Lerdwana S, Palasuwan D, Palasuwan A. Cell-Derived Microparticles in Blood Products from Thalassemic Blood Donors. Lab Med. 2021 52(2): 150-157
- Noulsri E, Lerdwana S, Palasuwan D, Palasuwan A. Storage Duration and Red Blood Cell-Derived Microparticles in Packed Red Blood Cells Obtained from Donors with Thalassemia. Lab Med. 2022 May 5;53(3):302-306.
- Palasuwan D, Palasuwan A, Boonpeng K, Ketprasit N, Imwong M, Kulkeaw K. Impairment of Invasion and Maturation and Decreased Selectivity of Plasmodium falciparum in G6PD Viangchan and Mahidol Variants. J Infect Dis. 2022 Apr 1;225(7):1238-1247.
- Charoensappakit A, Puapatanakul P, Praditpornsilpa K, Palasuwan A, Noulsri E, Palasuwan D. Urinary red blood cell-derived microparticles and phosphatidylserine-exposing red blood cells in glomerular and non-glomerular hematuria patients. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2022 Sep;102(5):370-376. doi: 10.1002/cyto.b.22083.
- Noulsri E, Lerdwana S, Palasuwan D, Palasuwan A. Diagnostic Performance of 10 Mathematical Formulae for Identifying Blood Donors with Thalassemia Trait. Lab Med. 2023 Nov 2;54(6):593-597. doi: 10.1093/labmed/lmad011.
- Boonpeng K, Ketprasit N, Palasuwan A, Kulkeaw K, Palasuwan D. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is dispensable for human erythroid cell differentiation in vitro. Exp Hematol. 2023 May;121:18-29.