Research Interest
Musculoskeletal disorders, neck pain, back pain , Ergonomics
Department of Physical Therapy
+66 2218 1576
- October 2005 PhD (Industrial ergonomics) Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, SWEDEN
- June 2003 Licentiate in Engineering (Industrial ergonomics) Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, SWEDEN
- March 2001 M.Sc. (Ergonomics) Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, SWEDEN
- March 1996 B.Sc. (Physiotherapy) with second class honours Mahidol University, Bangkok, THAILAND
Professional Experience
Physical therapy 1997- present
- Kluay-on P, Chaikumarn M. Construct validity, internal consistency and test-retest reliability of ergonomic risk assessment for musculoskeletal disorders in office workers (ERAMO). Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. 2022:23(1):121-130.
- Nakphet N., Chaikumarn M. Reliability of isometric neck and shoulder muscle strength measurements between symptomatic and asymptomatic female office workers using a hand-held dynamometer. Journal Current Science and Technology. 2019: 9(1):67-75.
- Nutalaya C, Chaikumarn M. Knee joint load reduction by using lateral wedge in sole in different body mass index level females. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences. 2019.Aug;7(64):1-7.
- Chaikumarn M, Nakphet N, Janwantanakul P. Repeatability of electromyography normalization of the neck and shoulder muscles in symptomatic office workers. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2018 Sep;24(3):422-430.
- Chaikumarn M, Nakphet N, Janwantanakul P. Impact of rest-break interventions on the neck and shoulder posture of symptomatic VDU operators during prolonged computer work. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2018 Jun;24(2):251-259.
- Nutalaya C, Chaikumarn M. Knee biomechanics in obese female during locomotion: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Sports Science and Technology 2017; 17(1), 21-35.
- Bolisutthikul P, Kulsatitporn S, Chaikumarn M. The effect of yoga training on cardiovascular endurance,risk of coronary heart disease and hypertension in Thai sedentary females. Journal of Sports Science and Health 2017; 18(2), 90-103.
- Montakarn C, Nuttika N. Physical activity levels and prevalence of low back pain in Thai call-center operators. Indian J Occup Environ Med 2016; 20(3):125-128.
- Nakphet N, Chaikumarn M, Janwantanakul P. Effect of different types of rest-break interventions on neck and shoulder muscle activity, perceived discomfort and productivity n symptomatic VDU operators: a randomized controlled trial. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2014; 20(2):339-53.
- Pensri P, Janwantanakul P, Chaikumarn M. Biopsychosocial risk factors for musculoskeletal symptoms of the spine in salespeople. Int J Occup Environ Health. 2010 Jul-Sep; 16(3):303-11.
- Pensri P, Janwantanakul P, Chaikumarn M. Biopsychosocial factors and musculoskeletal symptoms of the lower extremities of saleswomen in department stores in Thailand. J Occup Health. 2010; 52(2):132-41. Epub 2010 Feb 15.
- Pensri P, Janwantanakul P, Chaikumarn M. (2009) Prevalence of self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms in salespersons. Occup Med (Lond). 2009 Oct; 59(7):499-501. Epub 2009 May 18.
- Chaikumarn M. (2005). Differences in dentist’s working posture when adopting Proprioceptive derivation vs conventional concept. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2005; 11(4): 441-449.
- Kumar R., Chaikumarn M., Kumar S. Physiological, Subjective and Postural Loads in Passenger Train Wagon Cleaning Using a Commercial and Redesigned Cleaning Tool. Int J Ind Ergon. 2005; 35 (10), 931-938.
- Kumar R., Chaikumarn M., Lundberg J. Participatory Ergonomics and an Evaluation of a Low-Cost Improvement Effect on Cleaners’ Working Posture. Int J Occup Saf Ergon .2005; 11 (2), 203-210.
- Chaikumarn M. Working conditions and dentists’ attitude towards proprioceptive derivation. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2004;10(2):137-46.
Conference Papers
- Nakphet N., Chaikumarn M. (2021) Effect of Backpack Design on Craniovertebral Angle, Trunk Angle, Heart Rate and Discomfort in Female Young Adults – A Pilot Study. Oral presentation in The 6th International Conference on Science and Technology (RSUSCI-2021) on April 30, 2021, Pratum Thani, Thailand.
- Chaikumarn M., Nakphet N (2017) Effect of backpack design on posture, heart rate and discomfort in Female university students. Oral presentation in The 17th International Conference by the College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. “One Health: New Challenges in Public Health” on October 4, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chaikumarn M., Nakphet N (2017) Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Thai accountants. Poster presentation in The 17th International Conference by the College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. “One Health: New Challenges in Public Health” on October 4, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Nakphet N, Chaikumarn M (2017) A comparison of neck and shoulder postures in symptomatic and asymptomatic office workers. Poster presentation in The 17th International Conference by the College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. “One Health: New Challenges in Public Health” on October 4, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chaikumarn M., Nutalaya C (2016) Change in Gait Biomechanics in Overweight and Obese Females. Oral presentation in the 16th International Conference of Public Health Sciences Chulalongkorn University on “Universal Health Care Coverage: A Global Perspective” on October 4, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chaikumarn M., Nakphet N (2016) Effect of different types of rest-break interventions on neck and shoulder muscular discomfort, and productivity in symptomatic office workers. Oral presentation in the 16th International Conference of Public Health Sciences Chulalongkorn University on “Universal Health Care Coverage: A Global Perspective” on October 4, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chaikumarn M., Nakphet N (2015) Incidence of Low Back Pain in Call-centre operators. Poster presentation in the 15th International Conference of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University on “Public Health Society: Bridging Our Environment and Our Health” on October 1, 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chaikumarn M., Nakphet N (2013) . Effect of different types of rest-break interventions on neck and shoulder muscular discomfort, and productivity in symptomatic VDU operators. Eighth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders(PREMUS 2013), Busan, South Korea, July 8-11,2013.
- Chaikumarn M. (2010) Effect of backpack weight on postural angle in Thai school children. Seventh International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders(PREMUS 2010), Angers, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 2,2010
- Chaikumarn M., Nakphet N. (2008). Physical Activity Levels and Incidence of Low Back Pain in Thai Call-centre operators. Poster presentation in 2nd International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 13-16, 2008
- Chaikumarn M. (2007). Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Thai accountants. Poster presentation in Sixth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PREMUS 2007). Boston, USA, August 27-30, 2007.
- Kumar R., Chaikumarn M. (2004). Evaluation of cleaning postures in different working environment. XVIII Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference‘2004. May 19-22, 2004. Houston, Texas, USA. CD-ROM.
- Neumann WP, Winkel J, Magneberg R, Mathiassen SE, Forsman M, Chaikumarn M, Palmerud G, Medbo P, Medbo L. (2003). Ergonomics and productivity consequences in adopting a line-based production system. Proceedings of the 15th Triennial Congress of the International Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Seoul, Korea. CD-ROM
- Legg S., Cruz C., Chaikumarn M., Kumar R. (2002). Comparison of Single and Double Strap Backpacks. Putting Research to Work. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the New Zealand Ergonomics Society, Wellington, 14-15 November 2002, Edited by T.A. Bentley and D.C. Tappin. New Zealand Ergonomics Society, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
- Legg S., Cruz C., Chaikumarn M., Kumar R. (2002). Efficacy of subjective perceptual methods in comparing between single and double strap student backpacks. CybErg’2002. CDROM.